Kickoff Party Throwbacks

Teens busting out their best moves during the kickoff party! Check out some more images on the ChiTeen Lit Fest Facebook page by clicking on the icon below.
Teens busting out their best moves during the kickoff party! Check out some more images on the ChiTeen Lit Fest Facebook page by clicking on the icon below.Teens busting out their best moves during the kickoff party! Check out some more images on the ChiTeen Lit Fest Facebook page by clicking on the icon below.

About This Event

Writer of the Week
New You Haiku
By Eduardo Rodriguez
Change, motivation
A new me? Hesitation
New year’s creation
Make fresh better you
Different, contemporary
But always stay true
A new me? Can it be?
I see no change feel no change
This can not be so
– April 21, 2018 –
Nominate Someone!
If you or someone you know is an outstanding literary talent, our video team would love to do an interview! Some suggested criteria are below, but not all are required.
- Be active in the Chicago literary or arts community
- Be a contributing writer for a publication/blog
- Perform spoken word or theater
- No vulgar language in your submitted work
- Ages 13-19
- Bring positivity and support towards fellow authors & creatives
Now That
We’re Men