Deep Dish

by ChiTeen Lit Fest

Deep Dish

By Zilva Asif

Gunshots serenade the night
Gone from us now, had a bright future
Used to it, no longer phases us

It burned down before, the second city
Rose like a Phoenix from ashes
Chicago, it’s on fire again
The deeper you go, the more the flames flicker
Until you reach a stop, and it’s all dark
Same flames in the bleeding youth, dream chasers
Successful rulebreakers
‘How do you survive?’ to us it’s home

You see taxes, violence
Windy city, political climate
But it’s the world’s finest
Skyscraper city of the world

Down-to-earth,genuine, people
The smokey downtown air
Trains zooming by
Red line, an artery
Connecting destinations
Cubs or Sox, choose a side

Chicago, my forever home
A hot dog grilled to perfection
A skyline full of opportunities
A giant mirrored bean
Distinct weather, no spring or fall
Navy Pier, I didn’t grow at all
A beautiful city, loud and bustling
Oozing with talent

A city gone through the roughest
Still standing, almost united
A place known for its deep dish pizza
Gooey cheese, great memories
Lactose Intolerant

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